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Legal updates

We regularly update legal documents on accounting, tax, labor and other related fields for our clients.

Official Dispatch No. 2619/CTHN-TTHT dated January 18, 2023 of the Hanoi City Tax Department guides tax policy for VAT invoices issued in 2023 for services completed in 2022

Accordingly, the Ha Noi City Tax Department responded to the concern of determining the VAT rate of 2023 for services completed in 2022 as follows:

When the company signs a construction and installation contract, the time of issuing an invoice is the time of acceptance and handover of the workload, work items, completed construction and installation volume, regardless of whether money has been received or not. In case the Company issues a VAT invoice after December 31, 2022, it is not allowed to apply the VAT reduction policy as prescribed in Article 3 of Decree No. 15/2022/ND-CP dated January 28, 2022 of the Government.

In case the Company issues an invoice when selling goods and services at the wrong time according to the provisions of law, it shall apply penalties for violations of regulations on invoicing when selling goods and services according to the provisions of Article 24 of Decree No. 125/2020/ND-CP dated October 19, 2022 of the Government.

Please kindly check attachment file for further reference

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