At VBK, the PDCA cycle is used to Plan, Do, Check and Action in providing services to customers. The factor of service quality associated with the interests of customers is always in high priority.

Because quality comes first while quality standards, as well as legal regulations in Vietnam, are always changing, VBK is not self-satisfied with its achievements. Instead, it’s continuously improving (Kaizen) to exceed customer expectations.

Omotenashi shows hospitality with absolute sincerity and a dedicated customer service attitude. Following this value, VBK staff are not merely outside accountants but also consultants who regularly exchange ideas, report, discuss, and advise customers to comply and improve their internal governance.

To achieve and maintain the above mission, we assume the human aspect that professional skills and customer service attitude are central. In line with this, VBK regularly organizes internal training sessions for employees, improving the service delivery process for customers and updating newly issued legal documents. Employee soft skills are also central to achieve this goal; thus, training courses about the cultures of Omotenashi, Horenso, Kaizen and application of PDCA cycle are provided.


Customers are always served wholeheartedly in the spirit of Japanese Omotenashi. Commitment to the interests of customers is in the highest position.


The PDCA cycle is applied to Plan, Do, Check and Action in providing services to customers.


The Japanese working culture Horenso is followed in Reporting – Communication – Discussing within the Company and providing services to Clients.


Customer feedback is always heard and used as a guide to improve service quality not only to meet but exceed customer expectations.